

Boy With Frog Graphic

Connor is 9 years old. We are enjoying "3nd grade at home" this year, and transition into 4th grade by the end of the summer/mid-fall.

John and I have often been asked about our choice of names.

We admit it, we're big Highlander fans! We also have Scottish ancestry -- Buntyn and McCormick on my side, Gregory and Ingram on John's side. So we decided that either Connor or Duncan was the perfect choice of first name for our son.

It was a tough choice between Connor and Duncan! They are both beautiful Celtic names. But Connor prevailed.

The name Daniel comes from John's great-grandfather, John Daniel Price. I compiled a list of male names from both of our families [Aren't genealogy programs so convenient :?] from which John and I chose a name we could both live with.

Thus, Connor Daniel White was born.

Frogs and Hearts Line Graphic

Latest Statistics

Connor is nearly 5 feet tall and weighs about 70 pounds. He's off the growth charts for height (over 100%) and in the 75% area for weight. He's extremely articulate and uses a lot of big words PROPERLY! He's very knowledgeable about dinosaurs, arachnids and crocodilians.

Frogs and Hearts Line Graphic

Graphics from
Lisa's Country Clipart

Copyright © 1999-2008, Sara L. Buntyn
Revised - 18 June 2008
E-mail: Sara's email address
URL: http://www.buntyn.us/kids/connor.html